5 Signs You Might Need Dental Implants

5 Signs You Might Need Dental Implants

There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to missing teeth. Literally. There’s a common misconception that missing teeth are no more than just a cosmetic problem. However, it can actually affect your dental health and daily life significantly. Fortunately, one of the best solutions for missing teeth is available in most clinics: dental implants. Dental implants provide a strong foundation for replacement teeth that are made to match natural teeth. It is a welcome alternative to bridges and dentures since they are usually more comfortable, durable, and natural-looking. If you’re wondering whether you’re in need of dental implants or not, here are 5 signs to know if dental implants may be right for you:

1. You have cracked, missing, or chipped teeth

Dental implants are known to be the ultimate solution to provide natural-looking teeth replacements. If you suffer from cracked or chipped teeth that restorative dentistry services cannot repair, dental implants could be the answer. At the same time, dental implants are the most durable option to replace missing teeth. 

Some people think that cracked or chipped teeth aren’t as big of a problem as missing teeth. Unfortunately, this dental issue can cause recurring headaches and infection in the long run. It also affects a person’s ability to eat, talk, and drink. That’s why as dental professionals, we take it seriously and encourage patients to consider dental implants.

2. Dentures don’t fit you properly

Dentures are a well-known option for teeth replacement. However, when dentures don’t fit correctly, they can become painful, uncomfortable, impractical, and even embarrassing. If you don’t want to have dentures or you’re having difficulties with fitting, dental implants can offer you relief. Having dental implants can make you less likely to experience irritation or discomfort since they are designed to be more secure than dentures. The durability of dental implants also makes it a more practical and cost-effective solution.

3. You notice signs of infection

Infections can cause tooth loss and other health problems when it spreads to the rest of the body. It can ruin the integrity of a tooth, resulting in irreparable damage. Fortunately, dental implants are an effective form of treatment for tooth infections. Aside from offering relief from the pain of infection, dental implants are also used to treat infections and prevent further health issues. 

4. Your jawbone is receding

The jawbone can recede and deteriorate if your teeth have been missing for some time. Dental implants can solve this problem as it fills in the missing teeth and repairs bone structure. By stabilising the jaw itself, dental implants prevent further recession. It is important to seriously discuss dental implants with your dentist in order to stabilise and strengthen the jaw while preventing further bone loss. If the jawbone is left as is, you could be at risk of additional jaw problems and tooth loss. 

5. There’s something wrong with your teeth 

If your teeth aren’t functioning properly or are becoming painful, contact your dentist for a check-up. Even issues such as teeth grinding or biting mannerisms can affect your teeth in the long run. A dentist will be able to assess the state of your teeth and determine if dental implants are the recommended form of treatment. 

If you’re in need of comprehensive dental services, contact the team at Hulme Court Dental and Implant Centre. From advanced dentistry technology to a relaxing environment, Hulme Court Dental has everything you need for a pleasant dental experience. Book an appointment with us today.